Garage Gym Barbell 12-8 Max Effort Upper Body

Warm up
1) 8 rounds of 20 secs work/ 10 secs rest
- box jumps
- weighted leg raises
2) Then 2 rounds of:
- 20 tricep pull downs
- 20 band pull aparts
Strength work
1) ME Board Press
2) Then 3 rounds "near failure" of:
- Tricep press
- dumbbell press
- landmine rows
*pick a weight you struggle with for 12 reps, then see if you can get rep 13,14,15.
3) Then end with:
- 100 tricep pull downs
- 100 shoulder press *
- 100 rear delt flys *
- 100 sets of your favorite ab movement
*use very light dumbbell around 3-5lbs and scale reps down as needed
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