Garage Gym Barbell 12-19 Dynamic Effort Upper
1) Bench "wide grip" 8x8x55%
- make sure to track your weight on the bar for the 8x8's, the goal is to increase the next week.
- If 8 reps is too much for "your" shoulders, drop back to 6x6's try to beat your last weight recorded
2) Then 3 rounds of:
"near failure"
- elbows out tricep extentions
- seal rows
- banded sling shot rows
- hammer curls
3) Then of tabata 8 rounds 20 secs work/10 secs rest:
- ab mat sit ups
- shoulder press *light
- tricep pull downs
4) Optional: 20 mins light cardio of choice:
- walking
- eliptical
- rowing
- 5-10 min walking outside up/down street (in front of gym) with barbell on back)
- 5-10 min light sled drag on street
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