9-26-19 lower body auxiliary
Warm up
take 10 mins to work through any tight or sore muscles with:
- soldier marches
- hip openers *choose any movement you prefer- swan pose, childs pose, etc..
- foam rolling
- light stretching
- banded goodmornings
Main work
- 4x200 ft sled drag *medium weight
- reverse hyper 4x10-12
- banded hamstring curls 4x30
- calf raises 4x20
2 rounds of:
- 50 banded donkey kicks (25 each side)
- 50 banded glute thrusters
- 20 banded fire hydrants
- 20 db single leg deadlifts (10 each side)
then end with,
6-8 rounds tabata 20 secs work/ 10 secs rest:
- pilates boat pose pulses *use bands if possible (see image above for illustration)
- alternating single leg lowers to lower ab circles *this sounds confusing but I'll post a video in the morning
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