9-24-19 back, triceps, bi's & abs
Warm up
3 rounds:
- 15-20 med ball goodmornings
- 15-20 banded bicep curls
- 15-20 banded facepulls
Main Work
- close grip bench 4x12-15
- landmine rows 4x12-15
- pull ups 4x10-12 *use bands or substitute with ring rows
- tricep roll backs 4x12-15
then, *stay on each movement until 100 completed before moving to the next movement:
- 100 banded reverse flys
- 100 banded bicep curls
- 100 banded tricep pull downs
then tabata abs 8rds of 20 secs work 10 secs rest of:
- ab mat sit up
- side leg lowers/leg lowers/plank/mtn climber *alternate through these 4 movements each round
Optional Cardio
can be done at home or come back to the gym later in the day
- 20 mins of your light cardio.. sled drag, rowing, walking, light run, or zumba :))
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