9-20-19 Lower Body Volume & CHALLENGE WORKOUT #9

If you are following only the September "Challenge Accepted" workouts, skip the "Main Work" and "Auxiliary" work and move to the "CHALLENGE WORKOUT #9"
Video demonstrations will be posted on our instagram @garagegymbarbell_training


Warm up
1 round of 20 secs hold 10 rest of:

  • warrior II  right side
  • sun warrior right side
  • low lunge to extension right side
    *repeat on left side

then, 3 rounds of:

  • 10 sit ups
  • 5 burpess
  • 5 jump squats

Main Work
*the main work will have a 2nd option for those with limited equipment & beginners

Option 1)

  • Squats 10x2x75%

Option 2) for those with limited equipment or beginners

  • DB box squats 4x6
  • DB stiff leg deadlifts 4x8-10

Workout Warmup:

  • 3x10 DB Hang Squat Clean..Start by using light dumbbells on the first set, increase the weight slightly on the second, and use the intended workout weight on the third set.


8 Rounds of tabata 20 secs work 10 secs rest of:

  • DB Hang Squat Clean 35lbs each hand - see video here

rest 1min

8 Rounds of tabata 20 secs work 10 secs rest of:

  • ab mat sit ups

rest 1min

8 Rounds of tabata 20 secs work 10 secs rest of:

  • wall balls 10-14lbs

Log your rep total for each total tabata

Training Notes:
This workout is going to challenge your endurance to keep going through the tabata timer.

DB Hang squat cleans: Pick a DB weight that you can maintain good squat form. For injuries that don't allow you to catch the DB in a squat, then skip the squat portion and do DB hang power cleans.

Wall Ball: If you don't have a wall ball, replace movement with this combo "squat-lunge right-lunge left"

Reduce tabata rounds to 6 if needed

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