9-2-19 Lower Body with September "Challenge Workout"

If you are following only the September "Challenge Accepted" workouts, skip the "Main Work" and "Auxiliary" work and move to the "CHALLENGE WORKOUT"
Video demonstrations will be posted on our instagram @garagegymbarbell_training
Log your time for "funsies"
Warm up
Wow, I think I miss the bootybootcamp! (said no one ha!)
2 rounds of:
- 2 up dog to down dog
- runners lunge each side
- 20 banded abductors
- 20 med ball goodmornings
then 2 rounds of:
- 20 KB swings
- 10 sit ups
- 30 high knees
Main Work
- Work up to a 1 rep max Front Squat
- Front Squat 3x6x70% of heaviest weight
Auxiliary Work
- Reverse Hyper or back ext 3x12-15
- banded abductors 3x30
"Challenge Workout #1"
complete 5 rounds of the following:
- 12 DB Reverse Lunges 25lbs each hand
- 10 box jumps 20inch box
- 12 DB Box Step ups 25lbs to 20 inch box
**Start a timer and track how long the workout takes you
rest 3-5 mins, then complete 3 rounds of:
- AMRAP (as many reps as possible) 40 secs Sit ups **Keep track of how many reps in total you get because we will re-test this through the challenge
- keep your rest in between rounds at 30 secs
Workout scales:
DB Reverse Lunges: reduce the weight of the DB if needed. Choose a weight that challenges you but be done with good form. If lunges are difficult, do them non-weighted and have a box or bench nearby to bear your weight on as you lower into the lunge. Option to do DB front squats if needed
Box jumps: reduce height if needed. Using low bumper plates is a great alternative to use as a "box" especially if your new to the movement or nervous of failing. Another option we love to use are "lateral skater jumps".. I'll post a video of these at 530am =)
Box step ups: these can be done non-weighted and with a lower box.
Abs AMRAP: the intention is to do as many sit ups as you can in 40 secs. take 30 secs rest and go again. The rest ratio is lower than the work so it will start to catch up to you on the 2-3 round. Keep track of how many reps you get in total because we will do this again during the challenge! #Goals
Beginners accepting the challenge, first of all, Hell Yea! Start smart and reduce the rounds to 2-3. Use this month to ease into your fitness journey. I DON'T want you to fail this month, I'm here for you and available for you to contact me by message! xoxo Susie
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