8-7-20 Volume upper body
Good job everyone on your deadlifts yesterday. If you failed any lifts, use it as a lesson learned, never take a weight you're not sure you will make. Today is a "lighter" recovery day to be ready for next weeks new cycle of programming. Feel free to work with lighter weights if you body needs it.
Main work
- Bench 4x3x80%
If you feel strong today, do an amrap on your last set. If it feels heavy, stick with the prescribed reps for today. - Push press 2x8-10 (@70% of your 10 rep push press max)
If you don't have a 10 rep max, then use a light/moderate weight today. Take 1-3 warm up sets before starting your working sets
Auxiliary work
- seated shoulder press 3x8-10 light/moderate
- JM presses 3x8-10 light/moderate
- banded tricep pull down 3x20
superset the following with little or no rest:
- banded straight arm pull downs 6x10
- single arm bent over row 6x8 each side
- scap only pull up 6x10 HERE
then, 5 rounds tabata 30 secs work/10 secs rest of:
- landmine half turkish get up- right HERE
- landmine half turkish get up- left
- weighted sit ups
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