8-21-19 Conditioning
Warm up
3rounds of:
- 10 KB swings
- 8 ball slams
- 8 banded shoulder presses each side
Then, start warming up for your power clean & press weight in the workout
5 rounds of:
- 3 rope climbs or 5 seated to standing rope pulls
- 6 power clean & press
- 10 box jumps
Booty Bootcamp
3 rounds of:
- 12 hip thrusters
- 10 fire hydrants
- 10 diagonal leg raises
- 10 squat jumps *level up if you want with 10 barbell thrusters (front squat to overhead press)
Substitutions : if you don't have a rope for climbs or pulls to standing, you can substitute with 8 DB upright row & 20 banded standing rows
dumbbells can be used for the power clean & presses
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