8-2-19 Volume upper body
- work up to a 3 rep (2) board press
- Bench 4x6 with bands *use all three grips
wide, med, & narrow (2 reps w/wide grip, 2 reps w/med grip, 2 reps w/narrow grip = 6 reps) - bicep curls 4x12-15
- tricep skull crusher 4x12-15
- db shrugs 4x12-15
- banded bent over tripcep kickback 4x15-20 each arm
- 100 banded reverse flys
- 100 banded bicep curls
*break these up in sets if needed
FINISH with the Booty BOOTCAMP
1 round of:
- 12 hip thrusters
- 10 fire hydrants (each side)
- 10 diagonal leg raises (each side)
- 10 curtsy lunge w/3 pulses (each side)
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