8-15-19 Lower Body Volume
Thursday the 15th starts the new 9:15am class!
- SSB Squats 5x5x75% *use another specialty bar if you don't have a SSB
- Deficit Deadlifts 8x2x75%
- Barbell hip thrusters 4x14*
- Reverse hyper or back ext 4x15
- DB Squat to lunge 4x6 each side *
Then Booty Bootcamp Tabata Style
today we take our bootcamp up a notch and do 4 rounds of 20secs work, 10 secs rest
- fire hydrants left
- firs hydrants right
- diagonal leg raises left
- diagonal leg raises right
*Note- the hip thrusters & squats to curtsy have been added to the workout
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