7-30-21 FRIDAY Volume upper body

Main work
- Bench wide grip- slightly outside wide 6x6
Increase weight by 5ls from last week. If you get to a week where you fail on this set, change your grip and rep scheme (choose from 8 reps, 5 reps, or 3 reps) and decrease your initial starting weight by about 10% of what you failed at. **FOR EXAMPLE: If you come to a week where you fail, making only 6 of your 8 reps at 100 lbs. comp grip, the following week switch your grip to medium grip (or whatever the opposite comp grip for you) for 5 reps and lower your starting weight to 90lbs. Follow this procedure for when you fail at 5 reps by going to 3 reps at wide grip. - incline Bench 3x8x70%
Auxiliary work
- 5 rounds with little rest
8 DB Bench
6-8 pull ups
6 DB snatches- each arm - Finish with:
3x30 band pull aparts - palm up
3x30 banded straight arm lat pull down
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