7-21-21 MAX EFFORT upper

Main work
- Strict overhead press 3x1x90% or new max
- Strict press drop set 3x5x70% of today's max
- SSB JM presses 3x10
VIEW LINK HERE - "Louie" push up 2x max reps sets against bands
wide grip - use football bar if possible - feet on 12 inch box
if you're not able to perform with bands and feet on box, modify without band and not box. It will come! - drop set 1x max reps no band
- Pendaly Barbell Rows 3x10 + 1-2 chain each side
- One arm db row 3x10 each side
- Core/abs:
- standing side bends 4x30
- End with:
- Flat DB tate presses 4x20
view HERE - Cable or banded face pulls 4x20
- Flat DB tate presses 4x20
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