7-12-21 MONDAY lower body

Main work
- deadlifts 5x5x60%, then 3x1x90%
Form is CRUCIAL, film yourself and be honest. If your form is breaking down, lower weight. We have time before the next competition to build a solid foundation in our lifts. If your form is breaking down, instead of 3x1x90, try going to 75% film & check. If all looks good, Then go up to 80% film & check. It's okay to stop and stay at a lighter percentage. Use the time and build your foundation brick by brick - SSB or Cambered bar goodmornings 4x6-8 moderate weight- add bands if strength and ability is there. Keep rest time low between sets
- Superset with little rest:
- kickstand deadlifts 3x6-8 each leg moderate/heavy
- front squats 3x6-8 moderate
- weighted or banded ab of choice 3x20
- Tabata 6 rounds 20/10
- banded glute kick backs - right
- banded glute kick backs - left
- banded bridge
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