6-25-20 Girls Gone RX final week

  • 1 rep Max Hang Clean

*Hang Clean:
Athletes will deadlift a barbell then complete any style hang clean for a max load. Hang position may be at power, above or below the knee, but the barbell may not directly come from the ground. The Hang Clean may be perform by way of Muscle, Split, Power, or Squat style. In any variation the repetition is completed when the barbell is on the front rack of the Athlete, elbows in front of the barbell, feet back in line and underneath the Athlete, and with the hip and knees at full extension. 

*Weight jumps must be a minimum of 1lb. 

*Collars must be used.

*No knee wraps or straps may be used. Knees sleeves are allowed.

*For scoring purposes, a 20kg barbell is equal to 45lbs and a 15kg barbell is equal to 35lbs. Use the chart on your score card. 

*Video submission must show clearly the weight of the barbell, weights of each plate on the barbell, and filmed so that the standards are easily judged.  

*Score: Load on barbell


THEN, GGS 20.5 "Phase 10"

RX- Amrap in 10 mins of:

  • 10 Snatches 105lbs
  • 10 overhead squats 105lbs
  • 10 pull ups

Scaled- Amrap in 10 mins of:

  • 10 cleans 105lbs
  • 10 front squats 105lbs
  • 10 jumping chest to bar pull ups


Workout Instructions

Athletes will move a barbell from the ground to overhead in one fluid motion. The Snatch may be performed by way of Muscle, Split, Power, or Squat style. In any variation the repetition is completed when the barbell is locked out overhead of the Athlete, in the midline, feet back in line and underneath the Athlete, and with the hip and knees at full extension.

Athletes will move a barbell from the ground to their shoulders in one fluid motion. The Clean may be perform by way of Muscle, Split, Power, or Squat style. In any variation the repetition is completed when the barbell is on the front rack of the Athlete, elbows in front of the barbell, feet back in line and underneath the Athlete, and with the hip and knees at full extension.

All squats will be full depth with hip creasing passing below the height of the knee and returning back to the standing position with hip and knees fully extended. Divisions with overhead squats will hold a barbell Overhead in the midline of the body throughout the entire repetition. Divisions with front squats will hold a barbell in their front rack throughout the entire repetition. 

Athlete will start from a hanging position with their feet clear of the ground, and their arms straight. Athletes will then bring their chin clearly over the height of the pull up bar for 1 repetition. Strict, kipping, or butterfly pull ups are all allowed. Underhand, overhand, or mixed grip are all allowed if the standards are met each repetition.

*Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups:
Athlete will initial measure their bar height by marking 6” between the top of the head and the bottom of the pull-up bar. They will then begin the movement by squatting down leaving their arms hanging straight from the pull-up bar. They will then jump and pull themselves so that their collar bone or below comes into contact with the pull-up bar for 1 repetition. Make sure to show measurement in video.

*Collars must be used. 

*Video submissions must show a time clock throughout the workout and filmed so that the standards are easily judged. 

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