6-12-20 Adjusted Programing

For the next 3 weeks our programming may be slightly different to add in the Girls Gone Rx Competition workouts. We are skipping the normal Lower Body Volume and replacing it with the competition 2 workout.

Garage Gym Series 20.2 "Candy Land"

  • 2 rep max Front Squat

Workout Instructions

*Front Squat: Athletes will use a rack or the floor to complete their 2-rep max front squat. Athletes will have the barbell loaded in their front rack and must complete 2 unbroken repetitions without a re-rack. Athletes will squat with hip crease below knee at the bottom, and hips and knees fully extended at the top for 1 repetition. 

  • Weight jumps must be a minimum of 1lb. 
  • Collars must be used.
  • No knee wraps, or powerlifting suits may be used. Knees sleeves are allowed.
  • For scoring purposes, a 20kg barbell is equal to 45lbs and a 15kg barbell is equal to 35lbs.

*Video submission must show clearly the weight of the barbell, weights of each plate on the barbell, and filmed so that the standards are easily judged. Athlete will video the lift from a front 45-degree angle in such a way that the video easily captures the depth of the squat.

*Score: Load on barbell (No multiplication) See scorecard for KG-LB conversion chart. Scores due Sunday 5pm MST.


After you work up to your 2 rep max front squat, do the following:

  • Bench 3x5x65%, 4x3x80% on your last set do an amrap
  • incline bicep curls 3x12-14
  • banded facepulls 3x20

8 rounds tabata 20/10 of:

  • box jumps
  • kb swings
  • plank hold

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