5-7-20 Volume Lower body & DB living room only

Heyyyy everyone, Please message me to get added to the Wodify app. All workouts are posted there with the ability to track your workouts.

We have 2 programs to follow. "Powerlifting" for those that have barbell rack and DBs or "DB living room only" workouts that can be done with minimal db's and bands


Main Work

  • Box Squat "below parallel" 12x2x80%
    Keep your focus on speed to get up off the box. If it feels too heavy to keep speed, lower the bar weight. Log your thoughts
  • Deadlifts 10x1x80%

Auxiliary work

  • Single leg deadlifts 3x10 each side
  • Back extension 3x20

Ab & booty

  • 4 rounds of:
    15 banded glute bridge to sit up
    20 weighted standing oblique crunch (each side

Stay on 2 movements for 5 rounds tabata 30 secs work 10 secs rest

Complete 5 rounds tabata of:
Wall sit
lateral box jumps

Complete 5 rounds tabata of:
banded side to side walks

Complete 5 rounds tabata of:
Curtsy lunge

Complete 5 rounds tabata of:
DB stiff leg deadlift
180 jump squats



Banded Booty 150

150 banded squat pulses
*Each time you break, do 50 banded abductors

Ab & booty

  • 4 rounds of:
    15 banded glute bridge to sit up
    20 weighted standing oblique crunch (each side


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