Main work
- close grip reverse band 3x1x90% or new max
- close grip reverse band 3x6x75% of single
- JM press 5x5 heavy (pay attention to your elbows…be careful)
- Lat Pulldowns 5x12
- DB Side laterals 5x12
- Hammer curls 5x12
- Band triceps 100
Second workout
- Banded triceps 1x100
- Banded facepulls 1x100
- Banded rows 1x100
Susie, Diane & Courtney
floor press 3>1
floor press 3x6x75% of single
db press 3x8 heavy
jm press 5x5 heavy
band tris 100
Pulldowns 5x8 heavy
Side laterals 5x12
Band tris 100
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