5-24-21 MONDAY lower body

5-24-21 MONDAY lower body

For those competing or testing Maxes Friday-Sunday

sled 10 min
rev hyper 1x20
back extension back 1x20
Band goodmornings 1x20

Susie & Diane

Main work

  • Box squat SSB close stance or deadlift stance if conventional 3x1x90% or new PR
    take box as low as possible keeping any hip issues in mind
    Rep scheme 5x5, 3x3, 3x1
  • Goodmornings 5x6
  • Reverse Hyper 5x10-12
  • DB stiff leg deadlifts 3x10-12 heavy
    take a warm up set to prime then do all sets with little rest between
  • Banded hamstring curls 2x100

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