3-30-21 TUESDAY volume upper body

3-30-21 TUESDAY volume upper body

Main work

  • Bench 5x5x70%
  • Close grip Spoto press 4x6x60-70%
    For most this will be a new movement and the percentage is just a range. Find the weight that challenges you - yet achievable.
  • DB Incline press 3x12-15

Auxiliary work

  • Lat pull down-close grip 5x10
  • Lat pull down- reverse grip 5x10
  • Seated row 3x15
    machine rows if possible, if doing banded increase reps to near failure each round
  • Bicep curls 3x15
  • banded spread eagle sit ups 3x8-12- push the reps if possible
  • 1s100 banded tricep push downs
  • 1x100 banded hamstring curls

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