3-23-21 TUESDAY D/E upper
Main work
- Speed Bench 15x3x35-40% (vary grips) PLUS 25-35% chain weight
- Stay on the bench for 3 sets at a time and do 3x3 wide, 3x3 med, 3x3 narrow grip - resting 15-20 secs between sets.
- Close grip bench 1x8- work up to a top set of 8
- Push ups 3x20
If you're unable to do 20 unbroken, then either lower the number to 10 or elevate and do a higher pushup to barbell
Auxiliary work
- close grip lat pull down 3x15
- snatch grip barbell row 3x15
- incline db row 3x15
- banded facepulls 3x30
- Ab work:
Plank Series - 60 sec plank, 30 sec side plank (each side); 3 sets
Optional work
- 1x100 banded hamstring curls
- 10 mins mobility
- 10 mins work your weaknesses
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