2-26-20 Upper Body Volume

Warm up
take a few mins and do your favorite light mobility

3 rounds of:

  • 10 plate front raise
  • 10 plate ground to overhead
  • 10 shrugs

then 2 rounds of:

  • 6-8 scap only push up
  • 8 burpee walk outs

Main work

  • Bench 5x5
    *if you recorded last week's weight add 5 more lbs, if possible. If you're unable to complete all sets and reps at the additional weight; stay at the same weight for another week + on your 5th set do as many as possible.
  • Push press 1x3 
    *take a Few rounds to find your 3 rep max 

Auxiliary work

  • single arm DB press 3x3 *each side
  • lateral side raises 3x12
  • arnold press 3x12

end with 5 rounds tabata 30/15 of:

  • pull ups or ring rows
  • sit ups
  • bosu ball mtn climber w/twist

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