2-13-20 Upper body focus conditioning

Warm up

3 rounds of mobility:

  • yoga sequence: forward fold- up dog - down dog- lunge both sides

then tabata 4 rounds 20/10 of:

  • banded straight arm pull downs
  • lateral box jumps
  • banded tricep pull downs


5 rounds tabata 30 secs work 15 secs rest of:

  • pull ups
  • burpees

5 rounds tabata 30 secs work 15 secs rest of:

  • plate ground to overhead
  • db overhead tricep extension

5 rounds tabata 30 secs work 15 secs rest of:

  • bosu ball mtn climbers
  • back extension

5 rounds tabata 30 secs work 15 secs rest of:

  • box jumps
  • push ups

end with:

  • 100 banded tricep push downs
  • 100 banded bicep curls



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