12-30-20 COMP PREP Wednesday Recovery and Restoration

It's the final week of 2020 and we are moving into the new year strong and healthy. The first round uses a kettle bell or dumbbell. Be sure to go light and use these exercises to create the memory of good form in your movements.
- Yoga flow
- Spiderman walk with thoracic twist
- Bird dog, Cat-cow
3 Rounds of:
- Turkish Get Up - 2 on each side
- 25 Elevated Goblet Squat
- 20 KB High Pull (each side)
- 20 Single Leg RDL (each side)
ROUND 2 - TABATA - 20:10, 8 Rounds
- Dying Bug Right
- Side Plank Twist Right
- Heel Tap
- Side Plank Twist Left
- Dying Bug Left
End the work with sled, row, jump rope or walk outside. 10 mins light, keep moving, bloodflow. Again, not looking for power, the purpose is to support GPP development.
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