12-22-20 COMP PREP Tuesday d/e upper

12-22-20 COMP PREP Tuesday d/e upper

Warm up

2 rounds of:

  • 12-15 banded external rotations - each side
  • 20 banded facepull
  • 20 banded chest supported row
  • 20 banded tricep pull downs
  • 12-15 barbell pushups

Main work

  • Bench 6x3x80% comp grip
  • Incline bench 5x5x65%
  • Superset with little rest:
    • 4x10 overhead tricep extension
    • 4x10 lat pull down
    • 4x10 seal rows
  • Lateral side raises 3x12-14
  • rear delt fly 3x10-12

Second workout

5 rounds of:

  • 5-8 pull ups
  • 15 hammer curls
  • 30 banded tricep pull downs

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