12-02-19 Monday Max Effort Upper Body

Warm up
complete 5 rounds tabata 20 secs work/10 secs rest of:

  • walk out push up
  • russian twist *weight optional

then, 2 rounds of:

  • 20 db shoulder press *light
  • 20 db lateral raises *light
  • 20 banded rows

Main Work

  • Work up to a heavy 1 rep Bench from pins about 4 inch from chest. Rep scheme 5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1.. be sure to get 3 heavy lifts in that are not failures
  • 4x3 1 board press *work up in weight

Auxiliary Work
complete 4 rounds of:

  • 12 landmine row
  • 20 lateral box jumps
  • 12 lunge to dumbbell twist (6 each side * video will be posted in the am)
  • 8 burpees
  • 12 lat pull downs
  • 20 lateral box jumps

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