11-28-19 Thanksgiving Workout
I'm thankful for each of you that walk into the gym or follow along online. We are a tribe of women full of love and strength! Grateful for all my sisters of iron.
Auxiliary work
- skull crusher 3x15
- banded bicep curls 3x20 *each arm
- db rear delt fly 3x15
- banded tricep pull downs 3x30
complete 5 rounds of the following:
- 8 handstand push ups
- 10 pull ups
- 8 power cleans
rest 3 mins then complete 4 rounds tabata 30 secs work/ 10 secs rest of the following:
- box jumps
- hanging knee raises
- v crunches
training notes:
handstand pushups: sub these with shoulder taps, handstand holds, handstand holds with knees on a box. If any type of inversion is not for you, sub with plank shoulder taps or bottoms up kb holds.
pull ups: these can be banded, kipping or ring rows
power cleans: sub with DB if needed
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