11-17-20 WEEK 3 of 3 week cycle. TUESDAY volume upper

11-17-20 WEEK 3 of 3 week cycle. TUESDAY volume upper

Main work

  • Bench 6x6
    add 5lbs from last week's volume work. If you missed last week and just joining in today, the work is 6x6x75-80%
  • DB tricep press 4x8-10 heavy as possible
    neutral grip- elbows closer into the body HERE

Auxiliary work

  • Lat pull down narrow grip 5x10
  • single arm banded Lat pull down 5x15-20 each side
    the "Lock" pull down HERE

superset with little rest:

  • seated shoulder press (barbell or dumbbel) 3x8-10 moderate
  • barbell upright row 3x8-10 - moderate
  • bent over rear delt raise 3x10-12 light/moderate

finish with

  • 100 banded facepulls
  • 2x100 banded tricep pull downs
  • 50 barbell pushups

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