11-17-19 Saturday workout

Warm up
2 rounds of:

  • 8-10 mini band spread aparts
  • 8-10 mini band 1oclock,3oclock,5oclock
  • 8 med ball goodmornings
  • 30 banded walks

pre workout warm up:

  • bench press 4x8 *warm up to find your 50%
  • deadlift 4x8 *warm up to find your 50%

Saturday workout

Complete 4 rounds of the following with as little rest as possible:

  • 8 Bench Press @50% of your 1rm
  • 8 Box jumps
  • 10 DB walking lunges
  • 8 Deadlift @50% of your 1rm
  • 8 burpees
  • 10 DB shoulder press

then, 8 rounds tabata of:

  • plank hold
  • sit ups



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