10-8-19 upper body auxlilary & conditioning
Warm up
3 rounds of:
- 10 Banded shoulder punches (each side)
- 10 banded "Y"
- 10 tornado's
then, 4 rounds tabata 20 secs work/10 secs rest of:
- barbell push ups
- Bicep curls
- banded rows
Auxiliary work
- incline DB bench 3x12-15
- bicep curls 3x12-15
- rear delt fly 3x12-15
then, 3 rounds of:
- 40 lying band pull aparts HERE
- 40 secs max reps barbell push ups
complete the following for time:
- 50 DB power cleans 35lbs HERE
- 25 kipping handstand push ups
- 50 DB power cleans 35lbs
training notes:
DB power cleans: substitute these with a barbell if desired. A suggested weight is 55-65lbs
kipping handstand pushups: substitute these with handstand pushups w/knees on a box OR do a push jerk with DB or barbell
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