10-9-19 Lower body volume
Warm up
2 rounds of:
- 20 banded abductors
- 6 body weight reverse lunges to high knee up *support if needed (each side)
- soldier marches
then 4 rounds tabata 20/10 of:
- med ball goodmornings
- med ball walking lunges
Main work
Option 1)
- Squats 8x3x55% + 25% band tension
Option 2) limited equipment
- Squats 8x3x80%
Option 3) beginners or those without barbell/rack
- med ball goodmornings 4x6-8
- med ball box squats 4x6-8
Auxiliary work
complete the following with little rest as possible:
- front squats at 60% of 1rm
- Bulgarian split squats 25lbs each hand (reps above are for each leg.. ex 12 left side, 12 right side etc..)
- reverse lunge + pivot rotation *video will be posted in the morning for this movement - substitute these with reverse lunges if needed (reps above are for each leg.. ex 12 left side, 12 right side etc..)
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