10-4-19 max effort lower body

Warm up
2 rounds of:

  • 12 med ball goodmornings
  • soldier march
  • bottom squat supported hold

then, 4 rounds tabata of:

  • butt kickers
  • high lunge hold right
  • high lunge hold left

Main work

Option 1)

  • Work up to a 1 rep high box Squat + bands
    use 25% band weight
  • Work up to a "heavy" 1 rep Squat (no box or bands)
    no need to max out.. think 90% if possible. Start at 80% of your box squat max you just hit

Option 2) for those with limited equipment

  • Work up to a 1 rep max high box squat
  • Work up to a "heavy" 1 rep Squat (no box or bands)
    no need to max out.. think 90% if possible

Option 3) for beginners

  • 4x6 DB lunges (each side)
    brace yourself on a box or bench to aide in getting up from the lunge if needed

Auxiliary work

  • curtsy lunges 3x6 (each side)
  • DB sumo deadlift 3x10

then, 2 rounds of:

  • 50 banded walks
  • 25 banded donkey kicks (each side)
  • 15 banded fire hydrants (each side)


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