1-8-21 COMP PREP Friday Max effort upper

Warm up
Add in any auxiliary work you may have missed from the week into your warm up
2 rounds:- 15-20 banded pull apart
- 15 banded external shoulder rotation of choice
- 15-20 banded standing rows
1 round:
- 20 back extension
- 30 sec plank hold + 15 sec side plank - right + 15 secs side plank - left
Main work
- Bench w/ 1 band 4x6x70%, 3x1x80-90%
IF needed reduce the percentage. Use chains if you can't set up bands - DB bench 3x10-12 moderate/heavy
- DB shoulder press w/neutral grip 3x8
- Wide grip pull ups 4x5-8
- Single arm lat pull down 4x6-8 each side
- Barbell overhead tricep extension 3x8-10 moderate
- Banded bent over tricep kickback 3x20-30
- Bicep curl with DB or curl bar 3x10-12
- 1x100 weighted ab of choice
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