1-7-20 upper body focus & conditioning

Warm up
5 rounds tabata 20/10:

  • ring rows
  • banded high pulls
  • high plank burpee (or aka no push up)

Auxiliary work

  • DB incline bench 3x6-8 *work up in weight
  • DB pull overs 3x12
  • Bicep concentration curls 3x20 here
  • overhead banded tricep extension 3x20 *each side

Conditioning work

4 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of:

  • 30 toe taps
  • 8 alternating DB snatch

rest 2 mins

4 mins of:

  • min 1 - 50 jump rope or until time up
  • min 2 - 50 jump rope or until time up
  • min 3 - 50 jump rope or until time up
  • min 4 - 50 jump rope or until time up

rest 2 mins

4 min AMRAP of:

  • 5 rope climb to standing
  • 5 burpees




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