10-9-29 Conditioning only by Tiffany

10-9-29 Conditioning only by Tiffany

Hey Tribe! We have another great conditioning workout by our very own Tiffany Galan. The conditioning workouts are design for those with limited equipment or just prefer a faster pace workout to sweat to.

Main work
4 rounds with at little rest as possible of:

  • 50 jump rope
    option to do jumping jacks
  • 10 plank row
  • 10 overhead tricep extentions
  • 50 jump rope
  • 10 bicep curl to hammer curl
  • 10 inch worm to push up

4 rounds tabata 30 secs work/10 secs rest of:

  • med ball leg lift
  • plank oblique crunch
  • elbow to knee to touch

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