7-29-21 Special exercises upper

7-29-21 Special exercises upper

Main work

  • Isometric pin press 4x10 with 3 sec hold
    *Start with barbell on pins set at 2" Above Chest. Press barbell off of pins, into a 2nd set of pins set at 2/3 ROM, holding for 3 seconds against top pins.

    Alternative for those without the ability to set up two sets of pins- Isometric press against max band tension 4x10 with 3 sec hold
    use more band than you can lock out. should be enough tension to take you to 2/3 ROM
  • 3 Sets Each:
    20 Trap Bar Shrugs OR heavy db shrugs
    20 DB Lat Pullovers
    20 DB Skull Crushers
    50 Band Pushdowns
    50 Band Pull Aparts (palms up)
  • Grip work:
    Barbell Suitcase Isolated Hold - Find Max Weight Able, 3x :30 secs Per Arm *Perform Only One Arm at a Time