7-26-21 Max Effort Lower Body
Main work
- Opposite of competition stance Deadlift against 25% band or chain 3X1
- DEADLIFTS opposite stance 3X3X80%
keep band or chain tension but drop weight to 80%
Auxiliary work
- Inverse curl 3x8
Watch video for banded inverse curl HERE - Landmine hack squat 3x8
- Reverse hyper 4x15 w/3sec hold at top
- GHD or decline sit up with barbell on back 3x8
Watch video demonstration HERE - Finish with:
60 Meter Sled Drag @20% of DL 1RM
60 Meter Sled Drag @25% of DL 1RM
60 Meter Sled Drag @30% of DL 1RM
60 Meter Sled Drag @35% of DL 1RM
60 Meter Sled Drag @40% of DL 1RM
60 Meter Sled Drag @45% of DL 1RM
*our gym is around 50 meters one way. Take the sled one way and then load sled to next percentage and then go one more length... add again until you reach 45%
Stay on the sled until all is completed- no rest between