9-7-21 TUESDAY upper body

For beginners with limited equipment
- DB floor press 4x12
- Single arm DB upright row 4x12 eachside
- DB lateral side raise 4x12
- Bicep curl 4x12
Finish with 5 rounds of:
- 5 burpees
- 10 v crunch
- 20 standing weighted side bends
- Bench 3x1 +25% chains or band tension
Work up to 90% or a 1 rep max. The goal is to get 3 singles at 90% or above - drop set bench 3x3x80%
- barbell skull crusher to pins 3x10
- DB tricep kick back 3x12 each arm
- DB single arm upright row 3x12 each arm
- 20-30 standing weighted side bends