9-28-21 TUESDAY upper body

Limited equipment
- 4x10 One arm DB row each side
- 4x10 DB bench press
- 4x10 DB shoulder press
- 4x10 DB lat pull over
- 4x10 DB lateral raises with increasing weight
*start with a light weight and increase each set- no rest between sets - rest 30 secs
- 4x10 DB lateral raises with decreasing weight
* start with your end weight above and decrease weight each set- no rest between sets
then, 10 mins of :
- 6 burpee or burpee walk outs
- 10 DB clean & press
Main work
- Work up to a 1 rep max Bench press to 1 board + bands
If you don't have access to bands do a 1 board press only (or use your knee sleeves bound together place at chest) - Drop down sets 3x3x80%
keep bands and press to 1 board
Auxiliary work
- Single arm DB row 3x10 each side
- Lat pull over 3x15
- DB tates press 3x15