9-14-21 TUESDAY upper body

9-14-21 TUESDAY upper body

For beginners or those with limited equipment

  • 5 Sets:
    20 DB Side Lateral Raises
    20 DB floor press
    20 Banded Standing Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns
    20 DB rollback Extensions (floor)
    40 Band Pull Aparts

    End with:
    3 sets:
    20 weighted russian twist
    20 sit ups


for those with a rack, barbell and weights

  • 1 board bench press - work up to a 2 rep max
  • 5 Sets:
    20 DB Side Lateral Raises
    20 DB floor press
    20 Banded Standing Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns
    20 DB rollback Extensions (floor)
    40 Band Pull Aparts
  • End with:
    3 sets:
    20 weighted russian twist
    20 sit ups