Week May 15th-21st evening class

Week May 15th-21st evening class
day 1:
- strict press 5x5
- d bell bench 4x10
- lat pull down 4x15
- DB overhead tricep  4x12
- hammer curls 3x15
- push ups 3 x max reps
- weighted plank 4x1 min
Day 2:
- Squat 5x3 70% 2 min rest between sets
- paused squat 3x3 light
- bulgarian split squat 3x10 each side
- leg ext 4x20
- RDL deadlift or trap bar rdl 4x12
- sled drag,3x150 feet
- ab of choice 1x100
day 3:
- bench 6x3 70% 2 min rest
- d bell incline bench 4x8-10 heavy
- close grip pull downs 3x15
- dips 3x15
- one arm row 4x10/10
- slam ball 3 x 1 min
- stir the pot 4x10/10
day 4:
- squat 6x3 65%
- deadlift 5x3 60-65%
- GHD back ext 4x8
- banded hamstring curls 4x30
- sled pull 4x150ft
- d bell farmers 3 x 150ft

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