Week June 6th- June 12th

day 1:
- close grip bench 8x2
- d bell bench 4x8
- wide lat pull down 3x15
- cable push down 3x15
- hammer curls 3x15
- lat pull through 3x12
- weighted plank 4x1 min
Day 2: no chains
- Squat 1-1-1-1.. top single , 85-90% effort, leave about 1 in the tank
- paused squat 3x3 70-75% of single
- SSB lunges 4x8/8
- leg ext 4x10
- d bell BSS 3x12/12
- barbell sumo RDL 4x12
- ab wheel 4x10
day 3:
- bench 1-1-1-1 top single RPE 8.5
- then bench amrap at a lower weight
- d bell incline bench 4x8-10 heavy
- close grip pull downs 3x15
- one arm row 3x15/15
- push ups 3 max reps
- stir the pot 4x10/10
day 4:
- paused front squat 6x1 rpe 6-7
- deadlift top single RPE 8.5
- pause deads 3x3 at knee 70-75% of single
- GHR 4x8
- sled pull 4x100ft
- d bell farmers 3 x 150ft
- ab of choice 1x100
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